5 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Car

It’s officially spring, and that means it’s time to breakout the brooms and buckets and get some spring cleaning going. As you’re organizing your life for the warmer weather, don’t forget to give your car some attention! Spring Car Cleaning You may think that cleaning your car just makes it look nice. While it is a confidence booster to drive a shiny vehicle instead of one that is dusty and dull, washing your car actually has many benefits that help your automobile run better. Winter is hard on your vehicle, so give it a good scrubbing to help it shine, and keep it out of the auto repair shop! Washing your car should be a regular car maintenance service that you keep up with. As you are washing your car this spring, keep in mind the following five tips for spring cleaning your car:
  • Clean out the interior. Remove heavy, excess cargo from your trunk or the inside of your automobile. Carrying extra weight in your car slows it down and wastes gas.
  • Use the right automotive products. Make sure you wash both the interior and exterior of your car with soap and products specifically designed for cleaning automobiles. Generic soaps and cleaning products can potentially damage your paintjob, leather seats and more.
  • Never wash your car in direct sunlight. This can leave spots on the outside of your car that not only look bad, they also greatly wear down your paintjob.
  • Scrub and rinse under your car. Don’t forget to give the undercarriage of your car a good scrubbing. Dirt and salt from the roads has built up over the winter, and not removing this buildup can damage the important auto parts under your vehicle.
  • Inspect your vehicle. Visually lookover your automobile to see if you notice any suspicious cracks, dents or other signs of wear. Pay attention while you are driving as well and listen and feel for any changes in your vehicle. If you have any questions about something you see, feel or hear during your inspection, consult your trusted auto repair mechanic. It’s always better to be safe, than sorry!
Keeping up with your auto maintenance services is the best way to save money, keep your car running and avoid needing auto repair services. Keeping your car washed and clean should be included in your list of auto maintenance services! Use these five spring cleaning tips for your car, and enjoy a safe and sparkling spring season.

Written by Dave Erb